Benefits of having a website
Having a business without a website was acceptable in the past, but in this technological age it is critical to expand your customer base. Understandably, many off-line businesses have enjoyed much success but the potential for growth with a custom designed website will increase your company’s brand presence.
Promote your business with a website
It will be much easier to promote your business if you have a professional designed website in place. Of course there are many ways to promote your business. One great way is to make business cards and give them out to everyone you meet, even strangers! Don't forget to promote your website URL on your business card!
Make more profit
If you sell products you can have your website take orders for you 24/7. The Internet allows you to reach more people quickly without spending a lot of money. If your products are good and affordable, then your ecommerce website can probably get you more sales than your shop.
You need web site traffic
After you have your website up and running you will need to drive traffic to it. In other words, you will need to promote it. You can either do it online or offline, or both. Many websites failed because their owners could not get traffic to them. People will not come to your website automatically, so don’t expect that to happen. Use multiple methods to promote your website, this way if one fails you know you still have the others working for you.
Business e-mail addresses
Don't use your personal email account for business. It is not professional and does not project the image you want. Everytime you send an email, reply to an email, hand out a business card, your email should always identify your company name. Without a website, your limited to using a personal email account or a generic email account (YAHOO, EXCITE MSN etc). Tell your clients you are serious about your business with your email account.
Don't know how to start
If you have a brochure, it is a great starting place for content on your website.
We can convert your 3 panel brochure into a website at a fraction of the price.
Contact us and we will identify which companie's website in our portfolio was created from a brochure for you to review.